Gilsonite Bitumen; Unique Melting Point 4 Applications Oil Drilling Road Construction Paint

Gilsonite Bitumen; Unique Melting Point 4 Applications Oil Drilling Road Construction Paint

Gilsonite bitumen is a resinous hydrocarbon obtained from the natural distillation of crude oil

Gilsonite is also called natural bitumen and is used in many industries

Gilsonite Bitumen

Gilsonite, asphaltum, natural bitumen, or uintaite are all names attributed to a brittle natural mineral

This mineral is found in underground deposits in places where there are crude oil reservoirs

America was the first country to commercialize gilsonite, but Iran, Malaysia, Australia, and Colombia are among the biggest suppliers of This mineral

Gilsonite lumps were traditionally extracted by hand as it is a very brittle rock, but nowadays, with the help of specialized drills, the process is more manageable

Gilsonite lumps are later processed into powder with various specifications for use in different industries

Oil drilling, road construction, paint, ink, foundry, and casting are among the sectors that take advantage of Gilsonite properties

 Gilsonite Bitumen; Unique Melting Point 4 Applications Oil Drilling Road Construction Paint

Gilsonite Bitumen Features

Gilsonite, or natural bitumen, is known for its unique features over similar substances

It is powdered in different sizes, known as “mesh size,” to be used in industries


Used in
Oil Drilling, Road Construction, Paint, Ink and Foundry 

Iran, Malaysia, Australia and Colombia

Brittle Rock

Made of
Natural Distillation of Crude Oil

Another specification for this mineral is the “ash content,” which indicates the amount of impurity in Gilsonite composition

Gilsonite has a unique melting point; therefore, it is popular in the road construction sector as an additive to bitumen

This addition can increase the binding and cohesion of the bitumen and, consequently, a better paving material

Gilsonite is also used as an additive to the drilling mud in oil drilling

With Gilsonite in the formulation, the drilling mud is more coherent and can help the drill move smoothly in the wellbore

 Gilsonite Bitumen; Unique Melting Point 4 Applications Oil Drilling Road Construction Paint

Buy Gilsonite Bitumen

Pay attention to the details to buy Gilsonite bitumen and have a satisfactory purchase experience

Gilsonite is powdered in various mesh sizes according to the application field

Smaller mesh sizes are suitable for more delicate industries such as paint and ink manufacturing

While bigger mesh sizes are commonly used in road construction

It is also important to pay attention to the packaging type

The packaging is generally indicated based on the destination and mesh size

Jumbo bags and polybags are the most popular forms of Gilsonite packaging

Make sure to request pallets to secure your order inside the container for long destinations

 Gilsonite Bitumen; Unique Melting Point 4 Applications Oil Drilling Road Construction Paint

Gilsonite Bitumen Price + Buy and Sell

Gilsonite bitumen price is about 1000 to 2000 dollars but may vary based on the origin

Gilsonite with lower ash content and mesh size can have a higher price

This price variation is because specific procedures are done to reduce the ash content and the particle size of the Gilsonite

The packaging can also affect the pricing

Another factor is the season and climate

Gilsonite is often more expensive in cold climates and rainy seasons

However, purchasing from reliable and strong suppliers is the key to a safe purchase

You can find and contact the best of them on this website

 Gilsonite Bitumen; Unique Melting Point 4 Applications Oil Drilling Road Construction Paint

The Answer to Two Questions About Gilsonite Bitumen

1: What are the properties of Gilsonite?
Gilsonite’s low density, solubility in organic solvents, and paper-rubbing brown stripe define it

2: Is Gilsonite Magnetic?
Gilsonite is magnetic in controlled conditions
Ferromagnetic materials and ferromagnetic materials are the same