Standard gilsonite powder for export

In petroleum drilling mud, gilsonite powder acts as a fluid loss control additive. As a hydrocarbon, it interacts well with the base material of the drilling fluid and greatly improves drilling efficiency. In addition, since gilsonite has a high softening point, the use of gilsonite will greatly reduce fluid loss. The invention relates to a composition comprising an auxiliary loss control device for HPHT gelsonite drilling fluid, an elevated temperature stabilizer that also serves as an excellent shale stabilizer, a wellbore lubricant, a waste sand sealant, and a wall skin conditioner. HPHT Fluid Control Aid also contains dissolved lignite such as caustic lignite and carbon black. Fluid Loss Control Assist reduces HPHT seepage loss, has good stability at elevated temperatures such as 300°F, stabilizes pesky rock formations and reduces wellbore erosion, helps seal waste sand, reduces torque and drag, and does not adversely affect flow characteristics properly prepared drilling fluid and reduces overall well costs. To achieve these and other advantages, and in accordance with the purpose of the invention, as an embodiment and widely described, the invention includes a composition containing an elevated temperature stable fluid loss control additive HPHT, which also serves as an excellent rock stabilizer, hole sealant for lean sands. The HPHT fluid loss control aid broadly includes gilsonite, a solid hydrocarbon or bituminous material manufactured by Gilsonite in Turkey. The gelsonite used according to the present invention also contains a surfactant, in particular a nonionic surfactant. Gelsonite is the only drilling fluid additive that offers all of these benefits:

  • Controls fluid loss and leakage
  • Stabilizes shales
  • Prevents loss of blood circulation
  • Strengthens the well to increase its stability
  • Contributes to the effective development of the candidate cake
  • Lead in oil and water based drilling fluids
  • Performance in HP/HT environments.
  • Reduces health, safety and environmental risks

Gilsonite drilling fluid loss control additive

Gilsonite drilling fluid loss control additive

Gelsonite, or natural asphalt, has long been used in oil fields as an additive to control fluid loss in drilling fluids. Gilsonite improves drilling efficiency, wellbore stability, filter cake development and more. An important component of premium drilling fluids, gilsonite increases drilling efficiency while reducing costs and reducing the HSE exposure associated with most drilling fluid additives. Gilsonite has been used in many grades and formulations to combat the complications associated with well instability, to provide lubricants, especially in highly divergent wells, and more recently as a bridge to resist pressure drop adhesion and provide less invasive drilling fluid. It has been scientifically proven that properly framed gilsonite products can reduce the collapse of holes in foundations containing water sensitive exfoliating rocks and reduce pipe sticking problems by forming a thin-walled crust and filter cake between the matrices. Gilsonite products are widely used throughout the world in water, oil and synthetic based slurry systems. In addition, Blended Gilsonite is used effectively in all water-based systems. The fluid loss control component of the drilling fluid appears to be particularly important for fluid loss control such as FLC and acts as a shale quencher. This loss control by itself tends to cause an increase in the viscosity of the fluid, but other components that make up the additive of the invention effectively deal with this. Fluid absorption containing filter filtration control fluids and drilling fluid chemical additives containing filter filtration control fluids for use in oil and gas drilling. As previously stated, the additive of the invention includes a product obtained by co-reaction in the presence of water, quebracho, lignite, FLC, sodium sulfite, paraformaldehyde and sodium hydroxide. Each of these components is necessary to obtain optimal results according to the invention. The reaction conditions used to obtain the product of the invention can vary widely. However, usually the product is prepared by heating these components in a sealed reaction vessel at a temperature in the range from 100 to 150°C. It is suggested that within 120–30 minutes a shorter time can be used as the temperature rises. The reaction appears to produce methyl and caustic sulfate in the bond formed between quebracho, lignite, and asphalt, although the chemistry involved is very complex and not fully understood.

Effect of gilsonite All mixtures containing additives required a higher water content to achieve the same compaction capacity. This would be expected as there is more surface area for coating. Gilsonite powder in drilling fluids In any case, the resulting composition is preferably dried, which is substantially soluble in water, and can be stored for later mixing with conventional water-based drilling dispersants or drilling fluids. This mixing is advantageously done in situ, although it is assumed that the additive is prepackaged with the drilling fluids. The invention relates to a composition comprising an HPHT fluid loss control additive which is stable at elevated temperatures and which also serves as an excellent rock stabilizer, cavity lubrication, waste sand sealant and crust conditioner. The HPHT fluid loss control aid typically includes gelsonite (natural asphalt) which also contains a surfactant such as a nonionic surfactant. HPHT Fluid Control Control also contains dissolved lignite such as caustic lignite and carbon black. Fluid loss control helps reduce HPHT seepage loss, has good stability at elevated temperatures, such as 300°F, stabilizes pesky rock formations and reduces well erosion, helps seal waste sand, reduces torque and drag, and causes no adverse effects drilling fluid characteristics, reduces the overall cost of the well. To achieve these and other advantages, and in accordance with the purpose of the invention, as an embodiment and widely described, the invention includes a composition containing an elevated temperature stable fluid loss control additive HPHT, which also serves as an excellent rock stabilizer, well sealant for lean sands Conditioner for wall cake. HPHT Fluid Control Aid broadly includes gilsonite, hard asphalt or hydrocarbon produced by RAHA Gilsonite in Iran. The gelsonite used according to the present invention also contains a surfactant, in particular a nonionic surfactant. Drilling fluids are traditionally water-based, whether fresh water, sea water, natural brines or prepared brines. Many slurries are petroleum based, using straight petroleum products such as diesel or mineral oil as the liquid matrix. In addition, many prospective synthetic clays are prepared using high purity liquid compounds that are manufactured to more precise property specifications than conventional petroleum-based oils. In general, water-based drilling fluids are suitable for the less demanding drilling of conventional vertical wells at medium depth, while oil-based drilling fluids are better suited for greater depths or for directional or horizontal drilling, which places a greater burden on the rig. Synthetic-based fluids were developed in response to environmental concerns about oily fluids, although the composition of all drilling fluids is highly regulated, and in some cases the use of certain formulations in certain environments is prohibited.

Gilsonite powder in drilling fluids

For many years, gelsonite powder has been added to drilling fluids to stabilize wells during shale stratigraphic periods, preventing well expansion. It blocks microfractures, level voids and pore space and forms a thin film on the wellbore wall. Gelsonite is added at 1 to 3 kg per barrel of drilling fluid. It also reduces drilling and chain towing torque, thereby reducing the chance of the drilling chains stalling. Designed for use in water-based oil well drilling fluids. Well cement is added to well cement for use in initial cementing of lost circulation zones in surface, intermediate and production pipes. It is also used in secondary cementing operations such as compaction, underfill recementing and back again for mud recycling. It is used because of its low density, low water absorption, chemical inertness, mechanical strength, granular nature, and low deformation under high pressure. These properties allow it to effectively penetrate, seal and seal areas of loss of circulation. Typically, a bag of cement takes from 11 to 23 kg of gelsonite. Gelsonite is added to bitumen-based paints to improve hardness, adhesion, UV resistance, and resistance to water and chemicals. Paint formulations are often used on car tires and radiators. It is also included in wood stains. Gelsonite is widely used in all drilling fluids, but in different aspects and ways. In oil-based drilling fluid, gilsonite acts as a fluid loss control agent or FLC. As a hydrocarbon, it interacts well with the base material of the drilling fluid and greatly improves drilling efficiency. Gilsonite mine 10000 tons per month Powder plant to produce powder from 10 to 600 cells based on API EN ASTM standard with precision packaging machine to pack 50lb multi-page bags, 25kg, 300kg, 500kg and 1ton Jumbo Bag for use in drilling fluid. Oil. or ASTM for use in asphalt and mixed with bitumen for use in road construction. Mixing gelsonite powder with some other drilling additives in addition to diesel fuel and surfactant to cool the drill rod, in addition to organizing the movement of the filter cake, sealing the oil well and preventing formation damage, is also used to seal small cracks in shale. This reduces contact with fluids along the cracks, and when combined with other treatments, it tends to lessen the severity of the problem.

  • Maximum shale stabilization of Gilsonite

These materials are believed to reduce shale delamination by blocking microcracks and pores in the shale and by reducing the exposure of the shale surface due to the impact of the coating on the wellbore. In the most severe cases of brittle shale, the use of gelsonite will not prevent instability. This usually allows the slurry to flow out at a lower density than if the hole were ruptured.

  • Help to decrease slurry weight

Large and medium particles form a network holding small particles. The reason is that dense deposits are formed, which are compacted with cement. Reducing the weight of the slurry with an expander helps control circulation losses by reducing hydrostatic pressure. It is used in oil drilling fluid such as FLC to seal the well rock and cool the drill rod to prevent loss of drilling fluid in caverns.

  • Gilsonite is high temperature high pressure filtrated loss additive

The combination of these compounds helps to control HPHT fluid loss, reduces HPHT filtration losses, has good stability at elevated temperatures such as around 300°F and sometimes up to 400°F, stabilizes irritating formations and reduces wellbore erosion, helps seal lean sands, reduces torque and drag, does not adversely affect properly conditioned mud flow characteristics, and reduces overall well costs. The invention also includes a product obtained by incorporating the components of the composition, as well as a product obtained by adding the composition or product to the drilling fluid. Finally, the invention includes a method for controlling the loss of gilsonite HPHT drilling fluid in subterranean wells by adding a composition or product to the subterranean well. The drilling fluids used in the written specification and claims include not only conventional drilling fluids or drilling fluids including petroleum oil, synthetic oil, fresh water and saltwater species as known in the art, but also auxiliary spruce liquids and liquids for processing. The additives evaluated were sea coal, pitch, petroleum asphalt, “coarse” gilsonite and “fine” ground and blown asphalt.