Top Gilsonite Asphaltum to Export

Exports of gilsonite asphaltum are booming and this product is widely entering foreign markets. Therefore, this product has high sales due to its wide uses and applications. The buyer can also provide it in high purity and guaranteed quality while making a good profit by buying directly from economical prices.

Top Gilsonite Asphaltum to Export

Gilsonite 300 Differences with Other Gilsonite Grade

Gilsonite 300  Differences with Other Gilsonite Grade

Gilsonite 300, unlike other grades, is ultra-pure and is sold with a softness between 147 and 152 °C. The grain size of this type of Gilsonite is special and 100% of it passes through 200 mesh. It is also used as carbon black with solvents and other oils.

Gilsonite is the crude oil that after thousands of years, after earthquakes and due to pressure and temperature as well as time, loses its volatile material and the rest of it remains a shiny, brittle, and glassy material that looks like coal. This valuable product contains more than 100 elements and can be combined and homogenized with 160 other materials, and its soft temperature is between 148 to 240 degrees Celsius and its permeability is up to 4 hundred millimeters.

Gilsonite in asphalting helps to increase the stability of asphalt and creates high adhesion between macadam and bitumen. This adhesion prevents the asphalt from cracking and also does not grow on the plant asphalt. One of the most important things they do in asphalting is to reduce the thickness of the asphalt and reduce the volume of bitumen used. Heavy trucks do not step or retract when braking. Most airports in the world prepare asphalt with Gilsonite additive. The most important reason is when it warms up when the plane wheels rub against the runway and the asphalt does not deform in summer and winter.

Homogeneous gilsonite selects Because Ability Bonding of Gilsonite It is possible to 160 other materials. This valuable product contains more than 100 elements and its soft temperature is between 148 to 240 degrees Celsius and its permeability is up to 4 hundred millimeters.

Amazing Gilsonite 300 Advantages

Amazing Gilsonite 300 Advantages

The benefits of Gilsonite vary depending on its application.

Advantages of Gilsonite in asphalt and road construction industries:

  • High resistance to deformation
  • High resistance to climate change and rising temperatures
  • 20% reduction in road surface thickness
  • High resistance to abrasion of water and condensate
  • Insulation of seams and sidewalks
  • Reduce the cost of repair and replacement of asphalt by up to 60%
  • Compensate for poor granulation and mix design
  • Reduce the possibility of breakage at low and cold temperatures
  • Excellent performance in areas under heavy pressure of unloading loads and points
  • Has a high traffic load, stop and move again

Advantages of Gilsonite in isogum and insulation industries Suitable adhesion:

  • Long-lasting
  • High permeability

Advantages of Gilsonite in the rust and epoxy industries

  • Cheap additive for anti-corrosion paints, primers and wood paints and pipe coatings (primers)
  • Maintain color fastness against harmful sunlight (UV)
  • Use in bitumen-based paints to insulate water tanks, fishing boats and protective walls

Advantages of Gilsonite in the inkjet and toner printer industries:

  • Excellent adhesion to inks used in newspapers, magazines and publications
  • High playability
  • Print black uniformly. High quality on paper

Advantages of Gilsonite in the foundry industry:

  • Reduce the reaction between the mold and the molten material
  • Reduce final allowances and pay better

Advantages of Gilsonite in drilling mud:

  • Ability to work in very high temperature environments
  • Prevent damage to drill bits
  • Prevent sticky drilling mud with oil base
  • Polishing the surfaces of drilling wells and removing
  • Adding mud and drilling sludge
  • Prevent bulking or agglomeration of rocky soil compounds

Gilsonite 300 Supply Price Comparison

Gilsonite 300 Supply Price Comparison

Gilsonite 300 worth Price, It varies depending on the quality and type of packaging. How to buy and extraction and processing costs also have a significant impact on the price, so wholesale prices without intermediaries are very cheap and economical. The purer it is, the higher the prices.