Perfect Original Gilsonite to Trade

There are currently many stores that sell original gilsonite .There are also many online stores that sell this product. People who want to buy can contact the sales consultant and order the product they want.

Perfect Original Gilsonite to Trade

Why Gilsonite Is Used in Membrane?

Why Gilsonite Is Used in Membrane? Adhesive gilsonite: is a naturally occurring form of asphaltite and a type of solid hydrocarbon bitumen. This product is a natural hydrocarbon resin with many properties that is used in asphalt and even ink and printing paints and is used in more than 160 products from drilling cements to chemical products, foundry sand additives and a wide range of chemical products in various forms. Natural gilsonite is usually compared to natural asphalt compared to heavy oil asphalt, also known as asphaltite, unitite and asphalt.

Gilsonite History: Gilsonite formed millions of years ago from a geological event. At that time, an oil-like reservoir was created to cover and close large cracks in the earth’s surface, which hardened over time and became the resin that is mined today. The mineral, known as Gilsonie, was first discovered in the early 1860s; But it was not until the mid-1880s that Samuel H. Gilson promoted it as a unique cover.

Features of Gilsonate: Non-toxic (unlike coal and fly ash) Non-carcinogenic Non-genetic mutants Strict safety precautions are not required to work with Gilsonite. Compliant with the Mexican EPA standard for deep water drilling operations.

Waterproofing Characteristics of Gilsonite in Membrane

Waterproofing Characteristics of Gilsonite in Membrane Bitumen-based adhesives :In this part we want to explain more about the applications of Gilsonate. Application of Gilsonite in oil well drilling: Gilsonite is used as a drilling mud additive and depending on the type of drilling, drilling depth, soil and density as well as the pressure of the soil layers, the percentage of its use in the drilling mud formula varies. It is also used as FLC (fluid loss control) or control of fluid wastage in the drilling mud and by melting, it causes the drilling drill to heat up as well as lubricate the drill.

Application of Gilsonite in asphalt industry: Gilsonite in asphalting helps to increase the stability of asphalt and creates high adhesion between macadam and bitumen. This adhesion prevents the asphalt from cracking and also does not grow on the plant asphalt. One of the most important things they do in asphalting is to reduce the thickness of the asphalt and reduce the volume of bitumen used. Heavy trucks do not step on or retract when braking. Most airports in the world prepare asphalt with Gilsonite additive. The most important reason is when it warms up when the plane wheels rub against the runway and the asphalt does not deform in summer and winter.

Application of Gilsonite in isogum: It is mostly used in insulation in the production of isogum. By mixing gilsonite, calcium carbonate, additive and bitumen with oil to increase the tensile strength of isogum is produced, which makes the composite and increases the heat resistance of isogum and creates a stable and homogeneous coating. Application of Gilsonite in paints and inks: Printer ink is a combination of carbon black and bitumen, which with the help of Gilsonite, this compound becomes more sticky and its durability is much longer. A large amount of this precious material is used in the production of newspaper ink, which is also known as organic ink. The most important factor that can be used is the low degree of softness and ash below 3%.

Application of Gilsonite in casting: Gilsonite additive acts as a resin in molding and casting sand, creating a bond between the sand and other materials. The mold should be separated from the cast material. Meanwhile, the surfaces of the mold remain very polished.

How Much of Selling Gilsonite Is Used for Membrane?

How Much of Selling Gilsonite Is Used for Membrane? Bitumen membrane sheet : is sent to stores and sales centers after production in factories and workshops and related packaging. All these manufacturers are working hard to provide you with a quality product. Our site is one of the largest sellers of Gilsonite. People who want to buy can contact the sales consultant of our collection and after knowing the price, order the product to the desired amount.